Saturday, September 26, 2009

Blog Virgin - or Welcome to Heart's Haven

This is my very first blog. So please be gentle.

Welcome to Heart's Haven. That's what my husband and I call our home. You can't tell from the photo but the shutters and front door are a soft purple. One of my two favorite colors, the other being green. For the past 12 years this place has been the happiest place I've ever been in my entire life. It's also the place I've lived the longest. Till I married my husband 12 years ago and moved into this home I had previously moved 29 times. The longest I had lived in one house was 7 years. I mark a purposeful distinction between the words house and home.
This home has been much like me, evolving slowly over the years. As my life grew more peaceful, I grew more peaceful. The rooms have changed, rearranged, been painted, re-painted, and renamed (son's room,spare room, guest room, ritual room, Club House, LIVING room); much like me. I look at pictures of myself over the last 12 years and see so many different faces. Only now am I starting to see me.

My husband has taken to a real love of photography. He wanted to take some pictures of me based on a painting he saw. I was nervous. I hate pictures. Ok, let me correct that. I hate pictures that aren't flattering (ah vanity). Because I love and trust him, I went along with this venture. What happened surprised me. I actually liked the pictures. Another metaphor for my life. I'm starting to actually like me.

Thought for the day: Don't forget to look at the moon.

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